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How to Fluff & Perfect Your Songbird Pom-Poms

So, you’ve bought your first pair of Songbird pom-pom slides and you’re so excited to slip them on. You open the box and…uh-oh. Your pom-pom looks floppy and flat. Don’t panic. This is completely normal when you first take them out of the box. The combination of gravity and being cooped up in a shoebox often means they’ll need some refreshing before you wear them out or around the house. Follow our easy, step-by-step instructions below and you’ll have perfect pom-poms in no time.

Close-up of gathering the whole pom-pom in one hand for twisting

Step 1

Grasp the shoe in one hand, and with the other, gather the pom-pom threads. Gently twist the entire pom-pom near the base a few times both clockwise and counterclockwise—think of these as half turns rather than complete turns that come full circle. The goal is to evenly spread the threads of the pom-pom across the entire base. 

Massaging the pom-pom threads for maximum poof

Step 2

Using your thumb, start at the base of the pom-pom and rub in small circles, moving outward from the area where the pom-pom is most crushed. If your pom-pom leans forward, start at the front and work backward. If your pom-pom leans to the left, start rubbing on the left and work your way to the right. You don’t need to be gentle with your thumb—don’t be afraid to get in there and open up that pom-pom so it’s at maximum puff! It may take a couple of rounds of twisting and massaging to get your pom-poms exactly how you want them.

The pom-pom at full poof


Step 3

Proper storage is crucial to keeping your pom-poms looking fresh and perky, and our Songbird slides like room to breath. For that reason, we recommend storing them outside of their box. If you like a more lively puff (as shown above), store your slides with the toes pointed up and the pom-pom falling backward. You can use a shoe rack, a rolled hand towel under the toes, or you can simply prop them up against the side of the Birdies box. Then when you wear them, the pom-poms will spread out and be at their most voluminous. If you prefer a more subdued puff, store your Songbirds with the toes pointed at a downward angle. This will make the pom-pom fall forward evenly.

ull, lively pom-pom (left) and subdued pom-pom (right)

We hope you’ve found our tips to be a helpful tutorial in shaping your Songbird pom-poms to perfection. If you have any additional questions about pom-pom care or maintenance, please reach out to us at

Looking for more maintenance tricks to keep your Birdies in tip-top shape? Check out The 411 on Taking Care of Your Shoes, The Birdies Way to Care for Velvet Shoes, and The Birdies Way to Care for Suede Shoes.